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Profilio ID#[0000051888]

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[Siøsti þinutæ]   [Blogas profilis] Sveèiams priëjimas uþdraustas
Vartotojo vardas LepaLeni
Vartotojo vardas Leni
Gimimo diena 15. Kov 1984.
Lytis Moteris
Orientation Heterosexual
Santykiø tipas draugystei
Ðalis Ðvedija
Miestas *->K*S* TRENUTNO!<-*
Ûgis 160cm
Svoris 43kg
Plaukø spalva Juoda
Akiø spalva Þalios
Þinomos kalbos English, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, French, Norvegian, Swedish
Darbas Deciji Pedagog,Sociolog
Hobi Psiholog
Interests Athletics, Computers / Internet, Cooking, Dancing, Food and Wine, Gym / Aerobics / Keep fit, Ice / Snow Sports, Literature / History, Movies / Cinema, Music - Blues/Jazz, Music - Classical / Opera, Music - Latin, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - Rock, Music - World, Nature, Nightclubs / Clubs, Outdoors, Religion, Restaurants, Shopping, Singing / Playing Instrument, Sports (Playing), Sports (Watching), Television / Radio, Volleyball / Basketball
Apie ||[Curly Sue]||

your strength is so hard to find,
i feel so much stronger now,the feeling’s alright.
your words make me whole again,those eyes cannot lie,
you’re so divine
i’m not ever alone,
you’re not ever alone.

i’m head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face
and now i can fly.
you brought my life back,
the glory you found,
i’m in deep dept,
without you i wouldn’t survive.
i’m not ever alone.

your smile is heavenly,
i don’t deserve all this love
that your giving to me.
your touch makes it hard to breathe,
the shiver’s around me now,
you’re so fine.

the heart is pumping for life,
the mind is happy
and i will love you to the day i die.

i’m head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face
and now i can fly.
you brought my life back,
the glory you found,
i’m in deep dept,
without you i wouldn’t survive.
i’m not ever alone.


^znaj da je masta jaca od znanja,
da je mit mocniji od hitorije,
da su snovi jaci od cinjenice,
da nada pobedjuje iskustvo,
da je prijateljstvo jace od daljine,
da je smeh jedini lek za tugu i
veruj da je ljubav jaca od smrti.^


*->Take good care of:
what you’ve found, before doing anything else...<-*

^pitaj i saznaces nesto vise verovatno;)^


///.volite nekog i neka neko voli vas./// -- Nisam Tu -- Razocarana Devojka --
*** ;-K :-K :-K :-K ;-K ***
Ieðkomo þmogaus lytis Vyras,Moteris,Couple-Par
Blog Click here to see user`s blog
Forum posts 11046 , Paskutiná þinutë , Click here to see user`s forum posts
[Siøsti þinutæ]   [Blogas profilis]

. 08. Rug 2007. 04:29:35
Cao # se!!!


izvor ljubavi 06. Rug 2007. 17:20:02
Cao,pa sta ti komentara imas a valjda ni ovaj moj nece biti od viska jer si stvarno super i evo ti zato ovo :-V i evo ti i 100 :-K i da te jos jednom ;-K a rado bih i ;-C sa tobom popio

opet ja 24. Rug 2007. 20:45:38
naravno jedna 10 ne bezi ;-K

hej 24. Rug 2007. 20:43:41
hvala na onoj divnoj poruci i ti si predivna pravi prijatel a i komsinica preko mora ko zna mozda se i sretnemo. sve od srca ti zelim ;-K

cao ribice 21. Rug 2007. 01:13:56
hmmmmmmmmm nisi losa mala sve si slatka kad bi te mogo jos upecat pozz iz holandije kiss ;-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K

Bravo 18. Rug 2007. 15:32:18
Bravo za profil bravo za dan rodjenja uvek su se tada radjali najbolji. Pesma je lepa ko je napisao .

. 17. Rug 2007. 03:22:14
dosta slika...
a jel ima tebe na nekoj???


LENI DUSO//// 17. Rug 2007. 02:56:00
;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ..SVE NAJBOLJR I NAJDRAZE TI SELIMO D SRCE... ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K

leni duso.... 17. Rug 2007. 01:35:19
:-V :-V :-K :-V :-K :-V :-K :-V :-K :-V :-K :-V :-K :-V :-K ..bar da si mi ostavila neki komentar....xexexex..xexex.... ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ..salim se malo leni....moram jer tako se odrzavam u zivot momentalnije...xexex..xexex... ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K :-B :-B :-B :-B :-B :-B :-B :-B :-B :-B :-B :-B :-B :-B :-B :-B :-B :-B

*** 16. Rug 2007. 21:26:32
malena veliki za tebe


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