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Profiili ID#[0000051888]

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Käyttäjänimi LepaLeni
Etunimi (nickname) Leni
Syntymäpäivä 15. Maa 1984.
Sukupuoli Pari
Orientation Heterosexual
Haettu seuratyyppi Tekstailukaveria
Haettu kaupunki Sweden
Oma asuinkaupunki *->K*S* TRENUTNO!<-*
Pituus 5'3" (160cm)
Paino 95 lbs (43kg)
Hiusten väri Musta
Silmien väri Vihreä
Known languages English, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, French, Norvegian, Swedish
Työ Deciji Pedagog,Sociolog
Harrastukset Psiholog
Interests Athletics, Computers / Internet, Cooking, Dancing, Food and Wine, Gym / Aerobics / Keep fit, Ice / Snow Sports, Literature / History, Movies / Cinema, Music - Blues/Jazz, Music - Classical / Opera, Music - Latin, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - Rock, Music - World, Nature, Nightclubs / Clubs, Outdoors, Religion, Restaurants, Shopping, Singing / Playing Instrument, Sports (Playing), Sports (Watching), Television / Radio, Volleyball / Basketball
Oma kuvaus ||[Curly Sue]||

your strength is so hard to find,
i feel so much stronger now,the feeling’s alright.
your words make me whole again,those eyes cannot lie,
you’re so divine
i’m not ever alone,
you’re not ever alone.

i’m head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face
and now i can fly.
you brought my life back,
the glory you found,
i’m in deep dept,
without you i wouldn’t survive.
i’m not ever alone.

your smile is heavenly,
i don’t deserve all this love
that your giving to me.
your touch makes it hard to breathe,
the shiver’s around me now,
you’re so fine.

the heart is pumping for life,
the mind is happy
and i will love you to the day i die.

i’m head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face
and now i can fly.
you brought my life back,
the glory you found,
i’m in deep dept,
without you i wouldn’t survive.
i’m not ever alone.


^znaj da je masta jaca od znanja,
da je mit mocniji od hitorije,
da su snovi jaci od cinjenice,
da nada pobedjuje iskustvo,
da je prijateljstvo jace od daljine,
da je smeh jedini lek za tugu i
veruj da je ljubav jaca od smrti.^


*->Take good care of:
what you’ve found, before doing anything else...<-*

^pitaj i saznaces nesto vise verovatno;)^


///.volite nekog i neka neko voli vas./// -- Nisam Tu -- Razocarana Devojka --
*** ;-K :-K :-K :-K ;-K ***
Haettavan partnerin sukupuoli Mies,Pari,Couple
Blog Click here to see user`s blog
Forum posts 11046 , Last post , Click here to see user`s forum posts
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:) 03. Huh 2007. 15:22:33
ako zelis ti ce da joj priredimo nema problema posto ti je seka ce da joj ispunimo zelu
:-L ;-K :-V :-K :-L :-V :-K :-K ;-K ;-K :-L :-L :-V :-V :-V :-V :-K :-K :-K :-L :-L :-K :-K :-K :-V :-V :-V ;-K ;-K ;-K :-L :-L ;-K ;-K ;-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-V :-V :-V :-V


:) 03. Huh 2007. 15:05:35
e leni leni starsica zeli svadba izgleda ehehehehehhehee ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-L :-L :-L :-L :-L :-L :-L :-L :-L :-L :-L

cao 03. Huh 2007. 14:20:09
:-V :-V :-V :-V

sekice bre.. 03. Huh 2007. 02:12:34
ocemo li da te udajemo za Erika?
ako da, ja sam pocasni gost

ljubim te mila ;-K


:)) 02. Huh 2007. 16:41:02
aahhahahha sangarepa ako bude tako onda te stavlam u pesak celu samo glavu ti ostavlam napole da ti gledma prekrasno lice ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K

:) 02. Huh 2007. 16:33:13
uuuuuu i 10+ umalo zaboraviv i jedan cmok :-V :-V :-V :-V :-V :-V :-V :-V :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K :-L :-L :-L :-L :-L :-L :-L

:) 02. Huh 2007. 16:30:49
Leni kozna kako izgledas ti kada se suncas crna kao cokolada ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K

pa da 02. Huh 2007. 15:26:52
a da jeste toga bas ima kolko hoces SUNCE samo dodzi ti i ne pustam te vise da se vratis SWEDEN ostani tu kod mene bole ;-K :-L ;-K :-V :-K ;-K ;-K :-V :-K :-K :-V :-V ;-K ;-K :-L :-L :-L :-L ;-K ;-K :-V :-V :-K :-K :-K :-K :-V :-V ;-K ;-K :-V :-V :-V :-L :-L :-L :-K :-K ;-K ;-K :-V :-V :-V :-V :-L :-L :-L :-L :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-K :-V :-V :-V :-V :-L :-L :-L ;-K ;-K ;-K :-K :-K :-K

eh eh he 02. Huh 2007. 14:51:35
leto leto znaci pocelo da se stopli u SWEDEN ili mozda ces kod mene posto je vrucijem hmmmmmmmmmm
;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K


;) 02. Huh 2007. 14:24:17
Hvala hvala evo me opet tu i mnogo lepo je bilo za vikend
;-K :-L :-V :-K ;-K :-L ;-K :-K :-L ;-K :-V :-K :-L ;-K :-V :-K :-L ;-K :-V :-K

C :-K M :-K O :-K K :-K I :-K C :-K


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