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Profile ID#[0000117518]

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Username Tajna707
User first (nick)name Sandra
Birthday 12. Aug 1977.
Gender Female
Orientation Heterosexual
Type of Relationship for sex,for fun
Country Cyprus
City preselila sam se u Paphos
Height 5'6" (168cm)
Weight 125 lbs (57kg)
Known languages English, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Slovenian, Spanish, Russian, Greek, Bulgarian, Czech
Interests Animals/Pets, Arts / Crafts, Computers / Internet, Dancing, Food and Wine, Gym / Aerobics / Keep fit, Hiking / Camping, Ice / Snow Sports, Movies / Cinema, Music - Dance / Electronic, Music - Latin, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - Rock, Music - World, Nature, Nightclubs / Clubs, Outdoors, Restaurants, Sailing / Boating, Shopping, Sports (Playing), Tennis / Racket Sports, Travel / Sightseeing
About Sexy,avanturista,zabavna,originalna...trazim obrazovane,inteligentne,zabavne osobe,materijalno obezbedjene i velikodusne,sposobne za posebnu i delikatniju vrstu zabave i razonode,avanture,medjusobna istrazivanja...i opustanje.. :-H
Seeking gender Male,Female,Couple
Blog Click here to see user`s blog
Forum posts 0
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hej, 10. Dec 2009. 16:13:59
:-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-C :-C :-C :-C :-C :-C :-C :-C :-C :-C ;-L ;-L ;-L ;-L ;-L ;-L ;-L ;-L ;-L ;-L ;-L ;-L ;-L :-J :-J :-J :-J :-J :-J :-J :-J :-J :-J :-J :-J :-J :-J :-J :-J :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y :-Y

e 08. Dec 2009. 16:45:43
e fenomenalno izgledas javi se ako hoces


sta da se kaze 05. Dec 2009. 02:32:02
mozda ima smisla ?!
javi se.


hello! 04. Dec 2009. 12:32:49
big hug and #

1234 02. Dec 2009. 14:02:16
Pozdrav za Sandru!

hej 01. Dec 2009. 03:47:39
ako si za povremene diskretne susrete, a zivis u uzem centru bg-a, javi se da smislimo nesto

gfhgfh 26. Nov 2009. 08:23:45
macko,zovi da se druzimo. :-Z :-Z

slatka si .... porno zvezde treba da ti zavide... 26. Nov 2009. 04:57:17
bas imas lepe obline, slatka si skroz...
odvalio bi te od kurca, nebi ti bilo zao...
:-V :-Z
javi se ako si raspolozena za neko druzenje


xxx 23. Nov 2009. 13:58:06
najbolja si riba...sta da kazem,ajde lutko javi se :-L

ax 21. Nov 2009. 16:51:00
bas si dobraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :-L

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