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Profilio ID#[0000104504]

Total photos: 1
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Sveèiams priëjimas uþdraustas |
Vartotojo vardas |
speleo |
Vartotojo vardas |
Paolo |
Gimimo diena |
29. Kov 1971. |
Lytis |
Vyras |
Orientation |
Heterosexual |
Santykiø tipas |
romatiðkiems susitikimams,draugystei |
Ðalis |
Italija |
Miestas |
Ferrara |
Ûgis |
183cm |
Svoris |
70kg |
Plaukø spalva |
Kaðtoniniai |
Þinomos kalbos |
English, French, Spanish, Italian |
Darbas |
mechanical technician |
Apie |
Well,i’ve recently spent some days in Serbia and i’m very impressed by this country and its people and culture,so far and close to me at the same time! What else,for the moment...i just want to get to know more about this place. |
Ieðkomo þmogaus lytis |
Moteris |
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