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Femina Magazin


Ljubavni Sastanak na Fejsbuku
Svako vece od 20 casova okupljanje u Pricaonici. Dobrodosli!
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Profil ID#[0000000119]

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Mitgliedsname admin
Mitglieds Vorname Mladen
Geburtstag 04. Jun 1981.
Geschlecht männlich
Orientierung Heterosexuell
Beziehungsart Freundschaft,for chat,for fun
Staat Serbia
Größe 188cm
Gewicht 82kg
Haarfarbe Braun
Augenfarbe Braun
Beruf sve i svasta
Hobby net, sport
Über Pitajte sve sto vas interesuje o ovom sajtu, prijavite probleme koje imate itd ...

PS: Admin je skracenica od ADMINISTRATOR...

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hi 07. M&a 2016. 12:34:04
Hi dear friend,
I am Lt. Gen. Flora D. Darpino. I am a United State ARMY GENERAL. Am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend. I read your profile and pick interest on you. I will
like to establish mutual friendship with you. Please let continue our
conversation through my private email box. Here is my email address
darpinoflorad2(AT)gmail. com ) I will introduce myself better and send you my
picture as soon as i receive your mail.
Thanks and regards.
Gen. Flora D. Darpino.
darpinoflorad2(AT)gmail. com )


hi 07. M&a 2016. 11:55:05
Hi dear friend,
I am Lt. Gen. Flora D. Darpino. I am a United State ARMY GENERAL. Am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend. I read your profile and pick interest on you. I will
like to establish mutual friendship with you. Please let continue our
conversation through my private email box. Here is my email address
darpinoflorad2(AT)gmail. com ) I will introduce myself better and send you my
picture as soon as i receive your mail.
Thanks and regards.
Gen. Flora D. Darpino.
darpinoflorad2(AT)gmail. com )


hi 07. M&a 2016. 11:52:29
Hi dear friend,
I am Lt. Gen. Flora D. Darpino. I am a United State ARMY GENERAL. Am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend. I read your profile and pick interest on you. I will
like to establish mutual friendship with you. Please let continue our
conversation through my private email box. Here is my email address
darpinoflorad2(AT)gmail. com ) I will introduce myself better and send you my
picture as soon as i receive your mail.
Thanks and regards.
Gen. Flora D. Darpino.
darpinoflorad2(AT)gmail. com )


pitanjce 19. Jul 2013. 10:08:56
mene zanimaju samo èlanovi iz inostranstva, kako bih mogla da kontaktiram samo sa njima?

admin 03. Feb 2012. 16:02:55
Uskraceno mi je slanje i citanje poruka, molim objasnjenje, i naravno ispravku!

cao 06. Jan 2011. 19:58:19
Nema razloga da mi uskratis prijatelje,znam da ima dosta drugih sajtova,ali iskreno ovaj sajt je veoma dobar i svidja mi se.Pozdrav

cao 06. Jan 2011. 19:55:22
Prijatelju sto nemogu da citam poruke,kao da ih i saljem.Pozdrav djion

10 19. Nov 2010. 23:55:24
yebem te u dupe

zasto si mi izbrisao pesmicu sa liste banovanih

nemoj da zovem predsednika usa baracka obamu


ass 14. Jul 2010. 14:51:20
normalno se ulogujem ali nece da me prihvati na chet.kako da resim taj problem

bilja 24. Jun 2010. 20:15:02
nadam se da znas da razlikujes folere od pravog sveta samo me cudi jedno sto ti treba ovaj DANILOVIC ili ti zz_top ili ti zlatana ili ti vladka...ili ti neznam cujem da je isfeminizaran i da ima zenske nickove,no ni to nije najcrnje...nemogu samo da verujem da si njemu dopustio da bude neko on nista nezasluzuje...cula sam o tebi sve najbolje sad hocu da vidim opradanje za tu sjajnu pricu..

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