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Profile ID#[0000120787]
Total photos: 0
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Access closed for non members |
Username |
ceca71 |
User first (nick)name |
Svjetlana |
Birthday |
19. Dec 1971. |
Gender |
Female |
Orientation |
Heterosexual |
Type of Relationship |
for friendship |
Country |
Germany |
City |
Height |
5'3" (160cm) |
Weight |
125 lbs (57kg) |
Hair color |
Auburn |
Eyes color |
Brown |
Known languages |
Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, German |
Hobby |
citanj,fitnes,dopisivanj i.. |
About |
Volim ljude,cjenim iskrenost i direktnost,volim putovanja,druzenja i ljude sa zdravim humorom.Zelim iskljucivo druzenje,srce mi zauzeto. |
Seeking gender |
Male,Female |
Blog |
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Forum posts |
0 |
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lep profil |
30. Mar 2011. 01:33:08 |
Ako imate vremena javite se # Aca |

fajl |
17. Mar 2011. 16:28:13 |

laza39 |
nema te odavno ceznem za tobom. |
02. Jun 2010. 12:29:25 |

laza39 |
Halo iz Berlina |
08. Jan 2010. 20:04:28 |
Zanimljivo, da ima ovde i nasih iz Berlina, pa sm ti se morao javiti. Viele Grüße aus unserer schönen Stadt! |

Sinisa1974 |
princezo |
08. Jan 2010. 01:04:25 |

zeksias |
kontakt |
12. Dec 2009. 19:17:29 |
Zdravo ja sam upravo sada nasao ovaj sajt nazalost i ja nemam fot o ja zivim na steglicu ako hoces javi se 01785051545 |

Tomica60 |
10. Aug 2009. 10:38:29 |

Lijep pozdrav |
05. May 2009. 23:35:34 |
Interesantan profil,...lijep pozdrav,..  |

mario_43 |
cao |
15. Apr 2009. 07:24:04 |
pa sto ti je srce zauzeto oslobodiga malo.  |

laza39 |