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Profilo ID[0000148145]
Totale foto: 0
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Accesso inibito ai non membri |
Nome utente |
Nome Utente |
Compleanno |
01. Gen 1921. |
Genere |
Uomo |
Orientamenti |
Heterosexual |
Tipo di relazione |
incontri intimi |
Nazione |
Serbia |
Città |
Nedodjija |
Altezza |
6'0" (183cm) |
Peso |
205 lbs (93kg) |
Colore capelli |
Argento |
Colore occhi |
Blu |
Lingue conosciute |
English, Serbian, French, Italian |
Professione |
Interessi |
Animals/Pets, Arts / Crafts, Billiards / Pool / Darts, Cars / Motorcycles, Computers / Internet, Dancing, Gym / Aerobics / Keep fit, Ice / Snow Sports, Literature / History, Motor Racing, Mountaineering, Museums / Galleries, Music - Blues/Jazz, Music - Classical / Opera, Music - Latin, Music - Rock, Music - World, Nature, Nightclubs / Clubs, Reading, Restaurants, Sailing / Boating, Sports (Playing), Sports (Watching), Tennis / Racket Sports, Theatre / Ballet, Travel / Sightseeing, Volleyball / Basketball |
Io |
Normalan za normalne ! |
Cerco |
Donna |
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! |
29. Giu 2010. 15:24:48 |
interesantno ... vrlo vremešni dekica a vrlo naglašen libido! No, ništa nas ne sme iznenaditi... sve je moguæe!  |

Spasilda |
pozz |
22. Mag 2010. 01:08:03 |
mozes li se sam lijeciti  |

pupysnupy |