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Activity board
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nami777 |
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Mina |
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12. ��� 1955. |
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Orientation |
Heterosexual |
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����,for marriage |
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Serbia |
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Pancevo |
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(168��) |
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(52���) |
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Animals/Pets, Cycling, Dancing, Gardening, Gym / Aerobics / Keep fit, Hiking / Camping, Ice / Snow Sports, Mountaineering, Museums / Galleries, Music - Country, Music - Latin, Restaurants, Sailing / Boating, Shopping, Television / Radio, Theatre / Ballet, Travel / Sightseeing, Yoga / Meditation |
�� |
vedrog duha,vrlo pozitivna, mladolika, Da je normalan, duhovit da me u svakom trenutku nasmeje. Dodji da mi ruke grejes, dodji da se samnom smejes, u nocima dugim belim da sa tobom.... . |
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# |
22. ��� 2011. 00:11:49 |
sta reci ....neka za prvi put budu pozdravi  |

valentino52 |
Pozdrav |
19. ��� 2011. 18:32:47 |
Dolazim! |

hmhmhm011 |
Zdravo |
08. ��� 2011. 12:41:38 |
Dama za uvazavanje  |

silstar |
poruka |
13. ��� 2011. 08:38:00 |
hvala sto si pogledala moj profil  |

parlamenti |
k |
08. ��� 2011. 22:47:41 |

zzz09 |