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Activity board
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FadilBG |
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Fadil |
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20. ��� 1973. |
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Orientation |
Heterosexual |
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�������,�������,����,������,for fun,for marriage |
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Serbia |
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Beograd |
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(175��) |
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(77���) |
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Zadovoljan njime |
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Animals/Pets, Arts / Crafts, Athletics, Billiards / Pool / Darts, Boxing / Wrestling, Cars / Motorcycles, Computers / Internet, Cycling, Dancing, Football / Soccer / Rugby, Gym / Aerobics / Keep fit, Hiking / Camping, Literature / History, Motor Racing, Movies / Cinema, Museums / Galleries, Music - Classical / Opera, Music - Country, Music - Dance / Electronic, Music - Latin, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - Rock, Music - World, Nightclubs / Clubs, Outdoors, Restaurants, Sailing / Boating, Sports (Playing), Travel / Sightseeing, Water Sports |
�� |
Ambiciozan, pošten, veran, vredan, komunikativan. Cenim kad je ona takva i kad vodi raèuna o sebi i svom izgledu |
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10. ��� 2010. 14:37:45 |
pozdrav za tebe...  |

mawala |