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Ljubavni Sastanak na Fejsbuku
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ID anketa#[0000168961]

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Fotogrāfiju kopums: 3  

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[Nosūtīt īsziņu]   [Kļūdaina anketa] Piekļūšana viesiem ir aizvērta. Jums ir jāieiet sistēmā vai piereģistrējas.
Vārds ztapara
Lietotāja vārds trajce
Dzimšanas datums 21. Nov 1982.
Dzimums Vīrietis
Orientācija Getero
Iepazīšanās mērķis ilgiem attiecībam
Valsts(Pilsēta) Mekdonija
Adrese kavadarci
Augums 5'7" (171cm)
Svars 155 lbs (70кg)
Zinu valodas Angļu, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian
Darbs radim
Par sevi v v
Jūs meklējat Sieviete
Dienasgrāmata Uzspiediet šeit lietotāja dienasgrāmatas caurskatīšanai
Foruma īsziņas 0
[Nosūtīt īsziņu]   [Kļūdaina anketa]

Hello 11. Nov 2015. 17:05:22
Hi dear,
It is my pleasure meeting you,
I am Gen Susan Helms, I am a United State Army officer, from united state of America, am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend, I read your profile here and pick interest on you, I will like to establish mutual friendship with you.Please let continue our conversation through my private email box, Here is my email address ( Susanhelms57/at/outl/o/o/k.c/o/m ) I will introduce myself better and send you my picture as soon as i receive your mail.I will love to meet you for a serious relationship, I come in contact with you and I really wish to indicate my interest although am not always available to write mail due to the condition of my duty.Yours,
Gen Susan Helms.

Hello 11. Nov 2015. 17:05:00
Hi dear,
It is my pleasure meeting you,
I am Gen Susan Helms, I am a United State Army officer, from united state of America, am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend, I read your profile here and pick interest on you, I will like to establish mutual friendship with you.Please let continue our conversation through my private email box, Here is my email address ( Susanhelms57/at/outl/o/o/k.c/o/m ) I will introduce myself better and send you my picture as soon as i receive your mail.I will love to meet you for a serious relationship, I come in contact with you and I really wish to indicate my interest although am not always available to write mail due to the condition of my duty.Yours,
Gen Susan Helms.

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