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Femina Magazin


Ljubavni Sastanak na Fejsbuku
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Profil ID#[0000198557]

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Korisnièko ime silvijasilvija
Ime silvija
Rodendan 16. Sij 1973.
Spol Žensko
Orientation Heteroseksualno
Vrsta veze za romantiku,za dugu vezu,za prijateljstvo,za brak
Zemlja Srbija
Grad novi sad
Visina 5'5" (166cm)
Težina 150 lbs (68kg)
Known languages Engleski, Njemaèki, Hungarian
Interests Životinje / Ljubimci, Umjetnost, Atletika, Biljar / Stolni nogomet / Pikado, Boksanje / Hrvanje, Auti / Motori, Kuhanje, Plesanje, Nogomet, Gardening, Teretana / Aerobik / Za ostanak u formi, Šetnja prirodom / Kampiranje, Skijanje / Snijeg, Literatura / Povijest, Filmovi / Kino, Muzeji / Galerije, Glazba - Duhovna / Gospel, Glazba - Klasièna / Opera, Glazba - Svjetska folklorna, Priroda, Noæni izlasci / Klubovi, Na otvorenom, Èitanje, Religija, Restorani, Jedrenje / Plovidba, Kupovina - šoping, TV / Radio, Kazalište / Balet, Putovanja / Razgledavanja, Sportovi u vodi, Joga / Meditacija
O meni Bez predrasuda, vesela, ali odgovorna. Granica moje slobode je tamo gde poèinje tvoja sloboda.
Tražim ozbiljnog, po moguænosti dobro situiranog, obrazovanog gospodina, koji voli putovanja, traži ozbiljnu vezu i ne plaši se odgovornosti. Nekoga ko æe me prihvatiti onakvu kakvu sam, voleti me i brinuti o meni

Without prejudice, cheerful, but responsible. The limit my freedom is where your freedom begins. Looking for serious, possibly well of situated, educated gentleman, who loves traveling, looking for a serious relationship and is not afraid of responsibility. Someone who will accept me as I am, love me and care about me

Unbeschadet, heiter, aber verantwortlich. Die Grenze meiner Freiheit ist, wo Ihre Freiheit beginnt. Auf der Suche nach ernsthaften, möglicherweise auch von entfernt, gebildete Herr, der Reisen, auf der Suche nach einer ernsthaften Beziehung liebt und fürchtet sich nicht vor Verantwortung. Jemand, der mich akzeptieren wie ich bin, mich lieben und kümmern sich um mich

Sans préjudice, gai, mais responsable. La limite ma liberté est l’endroit où votre liberté commence. Vous cherchez grave, peut-être bien de se trouve, monsieur instruit, qui aime voyager, à la recherche d’une relation sérieuse et n’a pas peur des responsabilités. Quelqu’un qui va m’accepter tel que je suis, aime-moi et se soucient de moi
Traži Muško
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Forum posts 0
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hi 07. Ož 2016. 10:34:45
Hi dear friend,
I am Lt. Gen. Flora D. Darpino. I am a United State ARMY GENERAL. Am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend. I read your profile and pick interest on you. I will
like to establish mutual friendship with you. Please let continue our
conversation through my private email box. Here is my email address
darpinoflorad2(AT)gmail. com ) I will introduce myself better and send you my
picture as soon as i receive your mail.
Thanks and regards.
Gen. Flora D. Darpino.
darpinoflorad2(AT)gmail. com )


cao 16. Srp 2013. 11:52:34
Dobar i razonodan dan!

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