Jenny - jenny1659
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ID anketa#[0000200987]

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[Nosūtīt īsziņu]   [Kļūdaina anketa] Piekļūšana viesiem ir aizvērta. Jums ir jāieiet sistēmā vai piereģistrējas.
Vārds jenny1659
Lietotāja vārds Jenny
Dzimšanas datums 19. Feb 1982.
Dzimums Sieviete
Orientācija Getero
Iepazīšanās mērķis romantiskas attiecības,for marriage
Valsts(Pilsēta) Anglija
Adrese London
Augums 5'7" (171cm)
Svars 155 lbs (70кg)
Zinu valodas Angļu
Darbs nurse
Par sevi I ama nice woman have a lot of friends but is missing a man in my life.A man who stay with me in all my upps and downs ,who loves me for what i am ,and take care of me.I am looking for a true companion,that i can grow old with and hopefully stay with me for the rest of my lofe.I love to cook for him, and do all the pleasant things u do together as a couple.
Jūs meklējat Couple
Dienasgrāmata Uzspiediet šeit lietotāja dienasgrāmatas caurskatīšanai
Foruma īsziņas 0
[Nosūtīt īsziņu]   [Kļūdaina anketa]

hi 28. Apr 2022. 13:51:45


hi 29. Aug 2015. 16:14:54
fellow Londoner

komentar 05. Jū 2015. 13:31:27
extremely reckless is that one Englishwoman appears in Serbian site and search acquaintance with men who belong to us Serbs are called primitive butchers ..... you are looking for the man himself out of these territories, such as you can only obscure our ethnic purity, still hands of Serbian men

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