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Анкета ID#[0000208731]

Total photos: 1
Activity board
Hello |
08. Ч� 2017. 14:21:07 |
Hello Dear, Nice to meet you I am Margaret Woodward i am looking for a good relationship with a sincere loving man and after seeing your profile today i decided to have a close relationship with you. please Kindly write me back in (margaretwoodward89 (at) out look com)
In response to your mail on my email inbox,I will send you my pictures and also tell you more about my good self. Take care till i hear from you soon. (margaretwoodward89 (at) out look com) Regard, margaret |

margaret89 |
hi |
07. Б� 2016. 18:02:22 |
Thank you very much
God bless you

joy5 |
njemacka anna |
23. С� 2016. 20:53:18 |
hteli se me nazvat,pa niste sto se obecali??j ja zivim u njemackoj karlsruhe, ako zelite poznanstvo mozete mne nazvat.
o721 9597373 pozdrav anna |

more555 |