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Profilo ID[0000220192]

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Nome utente |
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Nome Utente |
Naomi |
Compleanno |
02. Feb 1976. |
Genere |
Donna |
Orientamenti |
Heterosexual |
Tipo di relazione |
storia romantica,relazione seria,incontri intimi,for chat,for fun,for marriage |
Nazione |
Canada |
Città |
H1A 0A1 |
Altezza |
5'5" (166cm) |
Peso |
135 lbs (61kg) |
Colore capelli |
Bruni |
Colore occhi |
Marroni |
Lingue conosciute |
English |
Professione |
managing agency for the organi |
Interessi |
Animals/Pets, Astrology / New Age, Cars / Motorcycles, Cycling, Hiking / Camping, Reading, Travel / Sightseeing |
Io |
Nowadays, many people meet on the Internet. I’m probably no exception, I decided to try my luck. I am an ordinary woman who wants to love and be loved. I hope that real men and boyfriends have not yet died out in our time. |
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