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Femina Magazin


Ljubavni Sastanak na Fejsbuku
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Profil ID#[0000045208]

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[Odosla správu]   [Chybný profil] Prístup nepovolený neregistrovaným
Nick NastyaCher
Meno užívate¾a Nastya
Dátum narodenia 23. Feb 1978.
Pohlavie Muž
Orientation Heterosexual
Typ vzahu romantika,vážny vzah,for marriage
Krajina Russian Federation
Mesto Kazan
Výška 5'8" (173cm)
Váha 125 lbs (57kg)
Farba vlasov Brown
Farba oèí Hnedá
Known languages English, Russian
O vás I’m young lonely woman.I like to carry sexual frank linen of a house. As I very strictly
look at work. I like to vary. I can be strict,impudent as I can be very gentle and tender.
I rather sociable person. At me it is a lot of friends and familiar. But I and could not find the
second half. I want to find the happiness in life with the loved person. I want to give love and to
be loved. I still hope, that I can meet that person whom I will grow fond of me such what is.
I wish to get acquainted with the man for creation of family. I Love reading,
dances, cookery. Now I work in advertising agency as the manager. I the cheerful, kind and understanding
woman. I can go on concessions, for creation of mutual understanding and heat in family I can change the
religion if it will be demanded by my beloved..Details in the further correspondence!
I search good and beautiful for the man. For which it is possible to hope a difficult minute.
It should understand me and trust me. It should be serious and cheerful.
H¾adám Muž
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[Odosla správu]   [Chybný profil]

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