Nikola - Sale780
Ljubavni Sastanak Upoznavanje

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Ljubavni Sastanak na Fejsbuku
Svako vece od 20 casova okupljanje u Pricaonici. Dobrodosli!
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must only to register for free.
ID anketa#[0000005547]

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Fotogrāfiju kopums: 1  

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[Nosūtīt īsziņu]   [Kļūdaina anketa] Piekļūšana viesiem ir aizvērta. Jums ir jāieiet sistēmā vai piereģistrējas.
Vārds Sale780
Lietotāja vārds Nikola
Dzimšanas datums 04. Jū 1981.
Dzimums Vīrietis
Orientācija Getero
Iepazīšanās mērķis romantiskas attiecības,ilgiem attiecībam,draudzības attiecības,intīma attiecības,for chat,for fun
Valsts(Pilsēta) Kanāda
Adrese Edmonton
Augums 6'2" (188cm)
Svars 190 lbs (86кg)
Matu krāsa Melns
Acu krāsa Peleks
Zinu valodas Angļu, Serbian
Darbs H.E.T
Aizraušanās Shooting trap and skeet
Intereses Biljards / Puls, Automobiļi / Motocikli, Virtuve, Riteņ braukšana, Ceļot autostopa / Kempings, Mūzika - Elektronika, Mūzika - Roks
Par sevi Zanimljiv, bez predrasuda, voli salu, bolje slusam nago sto pricam
Trazi interesantnu devojku / zenu za sve.
I’m interesting, like to joke around, I listen better than I talk. Just looking for some interesting lady to have some fun with.
Jūs meklējat Sieviete
Dienasgrāmata Uzspiediet šeit lietotāja dienasgrāmatas caurskatīšanai
Foruma īsziņas 0
[Nosūtīt īsziņu]   [Kļūdaina anketa]

hello 19. Jan 2013. 01:23:35
My name is Miss Amanda,
i saw your profile and became
interested in you,i will
also like to know you more,
and i want you to send an email to my
email address(lovetomsi AT ya hoo . com)
so i can give you my picture for you
to know whom i am. Remember
the distance or colour does not matter
but love matters a lot in life is love.


hello 05. Jan 2011. 12:29:43
hello adress is. recheal_u24 at y/a/h/o/o dot com
my name is recheal i am a young sweet looking girl with full of love clarely also
romantic,well ,i think we can click
together please i will like you to email back through my email adderss
thus (recheal_u24 at y/a/h/o/o/.c/o/m) please i will like you to use your email adderss to
contact me directly to my the same time i will show you my photo and
you also know more about me.
thank’s for your understanding,


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