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Profilio ID#[0000076004]

Total photos: 1
Activity board
[Siøsti þinutæ]
[Blogas profilis]
Sveèiams priëjimas uþdraustas |
Vartotojo vardas |
vaskrsija |
Vartotojo vardas |
miro |
Gimimo diena |
11. Rug 1971. |
Lytis |
Vyras |
Orientation |
Heterosexual |
Santykiø tipas |
romatiðkiems susitikimams,ilgalaikiams santykiams,draugystei,seksui,for chat,for fun,for marriage |
Ðalis |
Vokietija |
Miestas |
stuttgart |
Ûgis |
173cm |
Svoris |
91kg |
Plaukø spalva |
Ruda |
Akiø spalva |
Þalios |
Þinomos kalbos |
Serbian |
Interests |
Volunteer / Charity, Yoga / Meditation |
Apie |
polovan ali dobro ocuvan |
Ieðkomo þmogaus lytis |
Moteris |
Blog |
Click here to see user`s blog |
Forum posts |
0 |
[Siøsti þinutæ]
[Blogas profilis]
eiiiiiiiiiii |
21. Gru 2019. 18:46:05 |
djesss bolan vaskrsija mece li se ista  |

Hello |
05. Kov 2018. 17:32:25 |
Hello, How are you doing today? Am Rose Micheal from Uk, I came across your profile on this site,and would like to know you more kindly drop me your email so that I can send you my picture and then tell you more about me and see where it goes |
hi |
27. Rug 2016. 15:23:45 |
Bok draga , Nadam se da ste dobro, nakon # vašeg profila, imao sam previše vam se javiti jer sam bila tako usamljena i treba netko za razgovor također, am patricia horoho, A sjedište u SAD Vojska / iz Sjedinjene države Amerike. Ja # predstaviti sebe i poslati moju sliku, # sam primiti svoj mail. patricia.horoho012 (at) h o t m a i l.c o m poljupci.
Hello darling , I hope that you are fine ,after reading your profile , I had too contact you cause I have been so lonely and need someone to talk too, am patricia horoho , a U.S Military / From united state of America. I will introduce myself and send you my picture as soon as i receive your mail. patricia.horoho012 (at) h o t m a i l.c o m kisses. |

patricia012 |
Lep |
12. Kov 2015. 21:00:42 |
good - both and the owner and the dog  |
06. Vas 2013. 22:06:45 |

tatyankatata |
02. Vas 2013. 20:41:15 |

tatyankatata |
fotka |
01. Vas 2012. 16:03:30 |
svaka cast za fotografiju  |

Bosonogi |