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Profile ID#[0000096707]
Total photos: 0
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Access closed for non members |
Username |
palmal |
User first (nick)name |
Tanja |
Birthday |
16. May 1965. |
Gender |
Female |
Orientation |
Heterosexual |
Type of Relationship |
for romance,for friendship,for chat,for fun |
Country |
Croatia |
City |
novi sad |
Height |
5'6" (168cm) |
Weight |
120 lbs (54kg) |
Hair color |
Brown |
Eyes color |
Brown |
Known languages |
English, Serbian, Hungarian, Armenian |
About |
trayim smesnog muskarca,da je kustrav,crn |
Seeking gender |
Male |
Blog |
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Forum posts |
0 |
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13. Aug 2008. 20:20:06 |
cao |
06. Aug 2008. 22:59:15 |
Ja sam Sinisa ,,imam 41 god ,,, Radim i zivim u Norveskoj 11 god ,,inace sam iz okoline Osijeka ,,,Javi se !!! |

ja balkanexspres |
02. Jun 2008. 22:14:18 |
pozdrav iz istanbul  |

varoli |
djolly |
19. May 2008. 03:12:09 |
HAY lijep pozdrav od mene nisam kustrav ali mogu biti nije problem |

djolly |