Features |
Guest |
Free member |
Silver member |
Gold member |
Platinum member |
May see in User Profile |
Käyttäjänimi |
First (nick)name |
Last (nick)name |
Syntymäpäivä |
Can see the day of birthday |
Sukupuoli |
Orientation |
Body type |
States/Province |
Interests |
Haettu kaupunki |
Oma asuinkaupunki |
Tarkoitus |
Siviilisääty |
Pituus |
Paino |
Lapset |
Hiusten väri |
Silmien väri |
Kansallisuus |
Uskonto |
Tupakointi |
Alkoholi |
Koulutus |
Työ |
Harrastukset |
Oma kuvaus |
Kuva |
Can see slideshow |
Can see big photos in the slideshow |
Puhelin |
Haettavan partnerin kansallisuus |
Haettavan partnerin sukupuoli |
Haettavan partnerin uskonnollisuus |
Haettavan partnerin ikä |
Haettavan partnerin paino |
Haettavan partnerin pituus |
Seeking country |
Seeking marital status |
Seeking children |
Seeking hair color |
Seeking eyes color |
Seeking smoking |
Seeking drinking |
Seeking education |
Horoskooppi merkki |
Kotisivu |
Rekisteröintipäivä |
Viimeiksi palvelussa |
Käyttäjätyyppi |
Profile Views |
Can to see Favorites list of the user |
Who seen my profile |
Who seen another users profile |
Statistiikka |
Suosio |
Large photo |
Sound |
Linked profile |
Available actions |
Lähetä viesti |
Send ecard |
Can to use glitters in the ecard subject |
Can to use glitters in the ecard message |
Lähetä viesti |
Send a wink |
Can upload private photos |
Can see private photos |
Can create views |
Rate profile |
Vote |
View Results |
Liitä suosikkeihin |
Report this profile |
Add to ban list |
Using another email in feedback |
Using another email in Email to User page |
Can see visited profiles |
Can not be in rating |
Can see other comments? |
Can reply to comments |
Can add new comments |
Can remove comments |
Can see user photo in the comments? |
Can use filter by genders in online users page |
Can use filter by user type in online users page |
Can use filter by picture in online users page |
Can use filter by country in online users page |
Can use filter by city in online users page |
Can use filter by age in online users page |
Can view user profiles with the same gender |
Can contact users with the same gender |
Can to deprecate view him profile |
Can be anonymous when access other profiles |
Can not to verify image in the: "Lähetä viesti" |
Can not to verify image in the: "Comments" |
Can not to verify image in the: "Palaute" |
Can to select access level for each photo |
Can to add link |
Can to link to other profile |
Can to link to the own profile |
Can rate users with the same gender |
Can see "Who rated me" |
Can without photos see profiles photos |
Can see message read status |
Can contact support with administrator by IM |
Can be most popular user |
Can change texture background of profile |
Can use "My photos" photos upload page |
Access to pages |
Rekisteröidy |
Palaute |
Pika haku |
Etsi |
Tarkennettu haku |
Käyttäjiä Online: |
Using Report Profiles page |
Using View Profile page |
Using Email to User page |
Can to see articles |
Features |
Can see testimonials |
Can add testimonials |
Chat |
Options |
Matchmaker |
Subscription |
Statistiikka |
Can create private notes |
Can to access Bulletin Board |
Can to add Bulletin Board messages |
Can to add Bulletin Board messages without admin checking |
BBCodes Access (Bulletin Board) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Can to use URL |
Can to use IMG |
Can to use VIDEO |
Forum |
Forum |
Search by forum |
Can to see forum statistics |
Can to see last forum messages |
Can use forum options |
Can not to verify image in the: "Forum" |
Can have signature for forum |
Can to see "Users here" on the forum |
Can use avatar |
Can upload avatar |
BBCodes Access (Forum) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Can to use IMG |
Can to use VIDEO |
BBCodes Access (Forum: Signature) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Can to use URL |
Can to use IMG |
Options |
Vaihda ulkoasua |
Can to change template for own profile |
Can prefer not to receive emails from website |
Can to get information about new messages without page reloading |
Can prefer not to receive winks |
Can use superwink feature |
Blog |
Can to have own blog |
Can to see other blogs |
Can to comment blogs |
Can not to verify image in the: "Blog comments" |
Can to see comments in the blogs |
Can to rate blogs |
Can to reply to comments for own blog |
BBCodes Access (Blogs) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Can to use URL |
Can to use IMG |
Can to use VIDEO |
BBCodes Access (Blog comments) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Can to use IMG |
Can to use VIDEO |
Hot or Not |
Can to Rate photos from the user profile |
Can to Rate photos from "Hot or Not" random page |
Can to participate in the "Hot or Not" |
Can to see link to profile, when rate |
Can to access to "More Results" page of the Best photos |
Limitations |
How many photos may upload user |
10 |
20 |
40 |
60 |
Private photos |
10 |
15 |
25 |
40 |
Views |
30 |
40 |
100 |
150 |
How many search pages can user to see (0 - means unlimited) |
25 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Allowable fields to search in the Simple Search |
I am a |
Seeking a |
Haettu kaupunki |
Haettu seuratyyppi |
Orientation |
Body type |
Ikä |
Horoskooppi merkki |
Käyttäjä ID# |
Käyttäjänimi |
First (nick)name |
Last (nick)name |
Oma asuinkaupunki |
Pituus |
Paino |
Etsi käyttäjää Kuva |
Etsi käyttäjää Online users only |
Käyttäjätyyppi |
Rekisteröitynyt |
Lajittele tulokset |
Tulokset sivulla |
Allowable fields to search in the Advanced Search |
I am a |
Seeking a |
Haettu kaupunki |
Haettu seuratyyppi |
Orientation |
Body type |
Ikä |
Horoskooppi merkki |
Käyttäjä ID# |
Käyttäjänimi |
First (nick)name |
Last (nick)name |
Keywords |
Oma asuinkaupunki |
Pituus |
Paino |
Siviilisääty |
Lapset |
Hiusten väri |
Silmien väri |
Kansallisuus |
Uskonto |
Tupakointi |
Alkoholi |
Koulutus |
Known languages |
Etsi käyttäjää Kotisivu |
Etsi käyttäjää ICQ |
Etsi käyttäjää AIM |
Etsi käyttäjää Puhelin |
Etsi käyttäjää Kuva |
Etsi käyttäjää Online users only |
Käyttäjätyyppi |
Rekisteröitynyt |
Lajittele tulokset |
Tulokset sivulla |
Interests |
States/Province |
Can see in search results |
Can see number of search results? |
Käyttäjä ID# |
Käyttäjänimi |
First (nick)name |
Last (nick)name |
Ikä |
Sukupuoli |
Body type |
Orientation |
Haettu seuratyyppi |
Haettu kaupunki |
Oma asuinkaupunki |
Pituus |
Paino |
Haettavan partnerin sukupuoli |
Kuva |
Horoskooppi merkki |
Rekisteröintipäivä |
Viimeiksi palvelussa |
Suosio |
Käyttäjätyyppi |
User online status |
BBCodes Access (Oma profiili: Description) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Can to use IMG |
Can to use VIDEO |
BBCodes Access (Profile comments) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Can to use IMG |
Can to use VIDEO |
BBCodes Access (Lähetä viesti) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Can to use IMG |
Can to use VIDEO |
BBCodes Access (Private notes) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Can to use URL |
Can to use IMG |
Can to use VIDEO |
BBCodes Access (Testimonials) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Payment membership privilegies |
Privileged users timelife (in month) |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Prices (�) |
0 |
3 |
7 |
10 |